- Senator Roberts' Talks: Engagement and Relevance Survey
WHO wants to erode our sovereignty?
The World Health Organization's proposed Pandemic Treaty & International Health Regulation changes could erode national sovereignty and cost you your freedoms!
It seems there’s a never-ending array of threats to our national sovereignty and personal freedoms these days and yet another one has emerged: the World Health Organization’s proposed Pandemic Treaty and impending International Health Regulation Changes.
I saw many emails and information coming to me about the Pandemic Treaty and proposed International Health Regulation changes but was sceptical until I did my own research. That’s when I realised this was serious and could cost us both our national sovereignty and personal freedoms.
The move is afoot to give the Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO) power to declare a pandemic in any country and essentially ensure that the WHO rules are complied with by that country.
These rules — the International Health Regulations — could enable worse restrictions than what we suffered under over the past two years. According to research done by Pauline Hanson’s One Nation, measures specifically provided for in the regulations include:
• lockdowns,
• hard borders around quarantine zones,
• vaccine passports,
• mandatory check-in and contact tracing,
• mandatory health tests,
• mandatory removal and quarantine, and
• even worse, compulsory vaccination is part of the International Health Regulations, and may now be forced on all Australians if this vote succeeds.
Regulations are in place for as long as WHO decides is necessary. They can declare a pandemic without justifying or even publishing their reasons. There is no appeal, no transparency, no fairness.
As a result, I arranged an urgent podcast interview with the knowledgeable Senator Malcolm Roberts of Pauline Hanson’s One Nation on this matter along with other threats to our freedom and privacy including the Digital Identity agenda and the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset.
You can find that podcast by clicking here on this link
While the globalist’s plans for control and profiteering are reaching a crescendo, it is important to remember that treaties and the like can only impact a sovereign people if State and Federal governments enables it.
Research that I personally had commissioned on this matter reminded me that:
"… it is important to keep in mind that International law and forums such as this are only binding to the extent that State parties are willingly compliant. That is, it will be in the hands of State Parties to enshrine in domestic legislation any changes like this for them to have any real effect."
This is why it is important now for you to do two things:
1. Sign the petitions telling our government to oppose the Pandemic Treaty and vote no to the impending International Health Regulation changes; and
2. Vote for freedom parties such as Pauline Hanson’s One Nation in the federal election so that treaties that erode national sovereignty and personal freedoms can be opposed in our parliament.
Can I count on you to vote for freedom?
From George Christensen www.facebook.com/gchristensenmp/posts/559475595545423
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