
Taryn is a proud mother of four children who immigrated to Tasmania from Zimbabwe before she was a year old. Taryn has always been a proud community member and has always embedded herself into the community she has lived by conducting community fundraisers, participating in community events and helping those less fortunate within the community – including starting a food program for those in need during the pandemic. Usually one to avoid the spotlight and rather work behind the scenes, Taryn was fed up with the Government and decided to make a stand. Taryn has been consistently concerned with the lack of transparency, out of control spending and community support within the current Government which is why she is focused on making a change in line with One Nations economic recovery policy.

“I am a firm believer that all Government spending should be accessible and seen in real time through a public accountability tool, this will allow taxpayers to know exactly what their money is being spent on and hold Government accountable for wasteful spending.”

Taryn has been involved with family small business’ for years and has become greatly concerned over the lack of support the Government shows towards small business. With consistent CPI increases, wage increases, power prices, taxes and never ending red tape, small business in this Country is crumbling.

“Small business is the life blood of regional and rural communities, offering employment to locals and learning opportunities to our young people. Governments should be supporting small business rather than cutting them down and tying them up with red tape.”

Pre-pandemic, Taryn worked in the health care sector as she has a genuine compassion towards helping her fellow Australians. Unfortunately, Taryn and her family lost jobs and were forced to relocate from the Sunshine Coast due to the unlawful mandates put in place by the two major parties. Taryn and her family now proudly reside in the Maryborough electorate where she runs an award-winning restaurant with her family.

“The Lib/Lab parties will never truly understand the devastation they caused on individuals, families, and small businesses during the pandemic. However, the people will never forget and I will fight for them to never be forgotten.”

One Nation's Enhancing Democracy policy supports the protection of people's individual freedoms and human rights which the current Government has slowly stripped away, behaving like dictators rather than public servants.

“I think the Government has forgotten that they work for the people, the people don’t work for them.”

Taryn supports citizen-initiated referendums so that the peoples' voices can always be heard loud and clear on matters of public interest. Taryn also supports greater community engagement and transparency such as regular town hall meetings, school committees, and boards with at least 50% parent participation and representation, along with an overhaul of the education system to bring it back to basics without political interference or agendas being pushed on our children.

Taryn strongly supports the return to work of all workers who have been locked out of their professions due to the unlawful mandates placed on them. This will allow many skilled workers back into the workforce in much-needed areas such as health care, police, fire, and ambulance along with all our amazing volunteers.

“It is a disgrace that our Government cries skilled labour shortages when so many skilled workers are still locked out of their professions.”

Our critical services are under strain and pressure with ambulance ramping and hospital wait times costing people their lives. We need to give people back their jobs and alleviate the pressure now before more Australians die unnecessarily.

Taryn believes the Government has lost touch with the people and has forgotten how to listen. Youth crime is out of control and while the Lib/Lab parties sit and twiddle their thumbs on what to do, One Nation has a plan to address the people's concerns by strengthening sentencing and reviewing bail laws to keep repeat offenders off the streets. One Nation prioritises community safety and recognises victims and the impact on their lives and the importance of judges who understand the impacts of youth crime with tough sentencing and ongoing victim support, counselling, legal as well as financial support, and restitution from young offenders.

One Nation also supports the reinstatement of programs such as the hard Yakka program which has a 90% success rate in turning young offenders' lives around. Early intervention is key to addressing youth crime along with mental health support and treatment which can be achieved by fostering strong partnerships with parents, schools, police, and youth welfare organisations to mentor and manage youth who are at risk.

“I believe it takes a village to raise a child, we are all responsible.”

Taryn has always been a country kid at heart and truly believes that our farmers are the backbone of this Country. One Nation supports the development and adoption of agricultural systems to improve water efficiency, soil conservation, and biodiversity. Farmers should always have the final say on how their land is managed and developed with less red and green tape. Farmers should also have the right to own firearms for stock and pest management without discrimination as should all Australians. Firearm ownership should not be discriminated against for all legal firearm users, whether it's for stock/pest management, recreation/hunting, sport, or antique collectors. One Nation will seek to support the end to legal firearm user discrimination and red tape while strengthening illegal firearm use with stronger penalties for crimes committed.

Taryn is focused on listening to the people and having the peoples' voices heard. Above all else, Taryn will work hard for you, your children, and our community.

“I am committed to serving the people of the Maryborough community with transparency, honesty, and integrity. I WILL listen to you but most importantly I WILL make sure your voice is heard.”

Cost of living is crushing families and small businesses in Maryborough, we need change and we need it now.


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