Press Release: One Nation Fights to Repeal Queensland's New Sun Tax

One Nation has vowed to overturn what’s been dubbed a 'Sun Tax’, set to hit households who feed excess solar power back into the Queensland grid.
One Nation candidate for Keppel James Ashby said more than one million Queenslanders were set to be impacted by the new tax, which had already come into effect in New South Wales.
“Labor and the LNP have accelerated net zero targets here in Queensland with legislated milestones that have not only driven up power prices but will now see almost one in every two households hit with the new tax,” Mr Ashby said.
The draft export tariff guidelines will take effect from July 2025 with the Australian Energy Regulator forecasting an export charge for households of 1.5c per kilowatt between 10am and 4pm. Meanwhile, solar exported between 4pm and 9pm will receive a 20-cent rebate for each kilowatt.
“I don’t know of any household in Queensland that generates solar power once the sun goes down," he said. "The idea of the government paying for solar power generated at night is just misguided political and bureaucratic spin. We’re not morons.
“Queensland is one of the few states that still own its poles and wires that have been paid for by taxpayers. We shouldn’t be paying to feed excess power into the grid. We should only be paid for it.
“Neither of the major parties have been honest with Queenslanders when it comes to renewable energy. They failed to tell us that power prices would increase, and they’ve not been upfront about the introduction of a sun tax.
“Government-owned power companies here in Queensland are making very good profits off the households exporting their excess power back into the grid.
“Why are our governments still offering financial subsidies to international solar and wind farms, yet passing the cost onto households and taxpayers? People need to wake up and stop sleepwalking any further down the path of net zero.
“As far as I'm concerned, Queensland should get out of the National Energy Guarantee and focus on the generation and supply of affordable and reliable power for Queenslanders only. We shouldn’t be handing our decision-making processes over to a bunch of unelected bureaucrats within The Australian Energy Market Commission."

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