
Quinn Hendry is 53 years old and was born in Brisbane.  He was raised along with his younger brother by his grandmother and father.  Quinn is a self employed musician that entered the music industry at the young age of 16 in various roles traveling the country with many well known Australian artists and bands.  He also ran a successful café/restaurant in Hervey Bay with his partner Leea that relied heavily on the tourism industry.

Having lived in Hervey Bay for more than 25 years Quinn has seen the incredible growth of the town even witnessing the first set of traffic lights being installed.  “I have seen first hand the rapid growth in population which has brought about an increase in homelessness due to rent increases and a decrease in affordable housing availability which is concerning many residents including the elderly and young families.  I believe One Nations Housing Policy which includes allowing tax free room rental and the renting out of granny flats will help ease some of these pressures”.

Youth crime is another huge problem with social misconduct on the rise in Hervey Bay.  “We have a fantastic youth intervention and redirection program called Hard Yakka aimed at troubled youth that operates right here on the Fraser Coast”.  One Nations tackling crime policy acknowledges such programs but also will advocate for tougher sentencing for repeat offenders”.

Hervey Bays population has twice as many seniors as the state and national average. “As your One Nation candidate I will champion for senior specific medical facilities to address the needs of our ageing population which is another important One Nation policy”.

“I have paid close attention to politics all my adult life and have become very disheartened with where we are at as a state and a country. Pauline’s One Nation is the change Hervey Bay, Queensland and Australia needs to get us back in line with the values that my grandmother brought me up with and to stop the woke agenda the major parties are hell bent on delivering including net zero which is driving up the cost of living for every Australian.”

Quinn loves Hervey Bay and wants to stand up for the residents and represent their needs as the One Nation member in the Queensland parliament.

I’m passionate about Hervey Bay and I’ve dedicated my career to delivering for our community.


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