- Senator Roberts' Talks: Engagement and Relevance Survey
Government can’t answer the simplest question on emissions
The best explanation the Albanese government can devise to define the actual meaning of net-zero emissions is that “net-zero means net-zero”.
One Nation leader Senator Pauline Hanson said the Labor government’s contempt for the Australian people was manifest in the response to her question to Minister Penny Wong to define in laymans terms what ‘net-zero’ emissions means.
“It was like asking for their definition of a woman,” Senator Hanson said.
“As I said in my speech on Labor’s climate change bill earlier today, this legislation is being imposed by politicians with little if any scientific acumen. The leader of the government in the Senate – the most senior minister in the chamber and its designated spokesperson on climate change in the upper house – can’t explain something as simple as what ‘net-zero’ actually means. She’s proved my point.
“Labor has no idea what it’s doing or even what it’s legislating. Labor has surrendered to the international climate change agenda which most definitely does not have Australia’s best interests at heart. Penny Wong thinks a throwaway slogan is how to govern Australia.
Senator Hanson said Labor’s immigration plans were inconsistent with its climate policy.
“Labor’s plan to outsource Australian jobs to a million new immigrants doesn’t stack up environmentally,” she said.
“It’s been determined that for every 1000 new immigrants, up to 550 new dwellings must be constructed – that’s half a million new homes in the next five years when we can’t even find secure and affordable accommodation for Australians already living here. They’re all going to need affordable and reliable electricity. They’re going to need cars that produce emissions. They’re going to generate millions of tonnes of rubbish for landfill.”
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