Enhancing Democracy


One Nation Queensland is dedicated to defending and strengthening the principles of democracy.

We support individual freedoms like speech, religion, assembly, association, and movement. We support freedom of choice and the right to protest peacefully and responsibly. We support parliamentary democracy based on the Westminster system, the presumption of innocence, the rule of law, equal rights for all (and special rights for none), and one adult, one vote.

Many of these principles came under attack during the COVID-19 pandemic, highlighting how easily the rights we take for granted can be taken from us by governments all too eager to exercise more power. One Nation believes that only the people should have the power – something the major parties and too many public servant bureaucrats have forgotten.


An upper house for Queensland’s Parliament

Queensland remains the only state in Australia lacking an upper house of Parliament. It was abolished more than a century ago, despite Queenslanders opposing the move in a referendum. Upper houses serve as an important check on government power exercised in lower houses, rejecting or improving legislation.

One Nation will support the reinstatement of an upper house in Queensland’s Parliament, provided the net number of MPs does not increase.

Protecting individual freedoms and human rights

In the long and proud tradition of the Westminster system and Australian democracy, One Nation supports individual freedoms and human rights being enshrined in law. We will work to ensure robust protections in the law for fundamental individual freedoms such as speech, religion, assembly, association, and movement.

Citizen-initiated referendums

One Nation supports greater participation by voters in the processes of democracy, empowering the people to set the policy agenda instead of governments, activists, and the media. We will introduce a mechanism enabling citizen-initiated referendums and plebiscites so that Queenslanders’ views on matters of public interest are heard loudly and clearly.

Government accountability and transparency

Governments in Queensland must not only be held accountable at the ballot box in elections, but every single day. Measures that improve government transparency help voters undertake this important job on behalf of their community. One Nation will improve government accountability and transparency by:

  • supporting the reinstatement of an upper house in Queensland’s Parliament;
  • implementing real-time reporting of government department expenditure; and
  • providing Queenslanders with improved, streamlined access to information regarding government decision-making.

Better public engagement

One Nation passionately believes that better public engagement in all aspects of government and Parliament makes for a stronger democracy, improved outcomes and better politicians. One Nation will promote better public engagement by:

  • promoting greater involvement in public debate and the legislative process through meaningful, genuine consultation and town hall meetings;
  • ensure that One Nation MPs keep an open dialogue with their constituents, and promote dialogue with government decision-makers; and
  • introduce comprehensive civics education in the final years of high school to ensure young people enter adulthood with a good understanding of how government, Parliament, and democracy work, and how to effectively engage with the system for better outcomes.

Election integrity

Fair elections free from fraud or outside interference are absolutely essential to representative democracy. Voters must have confidence in the integrity of Queensland’s state and council elections, and wrongdoers must face heavy consequences. One Nation will enhance the integrity of elections in Queensland by:

  • exploring election system reforms for fairer outcomes and fair representation;
  • eradicating voter and electoral fraud though measures such as voter identification; and
  • monitoring elections for foreign interference.

One Nation will announce further information and associated policies relating to Queensland over the course of the election period.

Showing 3 reactions

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  • Frank Burton
    commented 2024-03-08 16:27:46 +1000
    Excellent start! I love the citizen initiated referendum policy which has served Switzerland well over the decades. It’s the only true form of democracy. A two party state isn’t working when both are funded by vested interests.
  • Saskia Peek
    commented 2024-02-28 16:10:31 +1000
    Can you please elaborate on what you mean by supporting the rule of law? The Queensland Courts are making substantial errors of law that are in breach of the rule of law. Will you support a judicial commission and have decisions overturned that conflict with legislation and provide compensation to those affected parties?
  • Albert Gersh
    published this page in Policies 2024-02-21 16:34:12 +1000