- Senator Roberts' Talks: Engagement and Relevance Survey
Affordable Energy
Affordable and reliable energy is absolutely essential for Queensland households, businesses, and industry. Government policies – primarily the obscene rush to taxpayer-subsidised renewables like wind and solar, and premature closures of coal and gas power plants – have directly led to huge increases in our energy bills, and looming energy shortages. It’s hurting households, costing jobs, and driving away investment, manufacturing, and innovation.
This makes no sense in a place like Queensland or Australia, where there is an abundance of natural energy resources. One Nation’s energy policy aims to leverage this competitive advantage, utilising our natural energy resources to generate cheaper, more reliable power. These resources include uranium as well as coal and gas; One Nation supports modern nuclear technology as a safe, proven, and reliable source of emissions-free energy in Queensland and Australia.
One Nation considers that energy security is critical to economic sustainability and even national security, so we support the diversification of energy sources to ensure we don’t overly rely on just one or two technologies. Nuclear, low-emission coal, natural gas, hydro, solar, wind and even other emerging technologies like geo-thermal should all be part of the energy mix.
Embracing coal
Queensland has abundant reserves of high quality coal, and a mature industry able to extract and develop this resource efficiently. One Nation will ensure Queensland coal remains part of a reliable and affordable energy system by:
- amending National Electricity Market rules so the price of energy produced from coal is not artificially inflated; and
- responsibly developing new coal mines and projects.
Embracing nuclear
Australia has around 25% of the world’s proven uranium reserves but also has a law prohibiting commercial nuclear energy production despite almost every other modern developed nation on the planet relying on this emissions-free technology. One Nation will address this by:
- exploring the costs, benefits and potential of introducing nuclear technology to Queensland;
- ensuring Australia remains at the forefront of new developments in nuclear technology, such as emerging small modular reactor technology, through international partnerships;
- supporting a repeal of the Federal legislated ban on nuclear energy; and
- ensuring the most rigorous safety and environmental standards for nuclear energy.
Embracing hydro
Dams are essential pieces of infrastructure that, in addition to conserving water for human consumption, industry and agriculture can also generate emissions-free power. One Nation will support the building of dams in Queensland, such as the $5.4 billion Hell’s Gate Dam near Townsville.
Ending renewables' subsidies
One Nation does not favour any one energy technology over another, and considers that all should compete on a level playing field to deliver energy in Australia. We will even the playing field by:
- phasing out taxpayer-funded subsidies for renewable energy projects;
- allowing existing renewable energy projects to fulfil their obligations under current agreements, but not offering any new subsidies; and
- rehabilitating prime agricultural land heavily impacted by renewable energy infrastructure, and protecting this land from further intrusions.
Reducing power prices
Increasing power prices are a major component in Queenslanders’ rising costs of living, and governments are not taking the actions necessary to reduce them. One Nation will work to reduce power prices by:
- amending National Electricity Market rules so the price of energy reflects its true market value regardless of the generation source;
- working with energy providers to make their operations more efficient, and pass on savings to consumers;
- encouraging competition among energy providers to lift service standards and drive down costs; and
- investigate options for targeted relief for vulnerable households facing high energy bills.
Supporting energy innovation
Queensland and Australia have unique energy needs, and it’s critical that we develop technologies that will meet them now and in the long-term. One Nation will foster energy innovation by:
- ensuring Australia remains at the forefront of new developments in nuclear technology, such as emerging small modular reactor technology, through international partnerships;
- investing in research and development to advance cleaner and more efficient coal and nuclear power generation; and
- encourage competition and private sector investment in energy innovation through incentives and partnerships.
Better environmental responsibility
Energy generation can have a significant impact on the natural environment, in terms of emissions or large infrastructure footprints. One Nation will act to improve the environmental responsibility of the sector by:
- prohibiting wind and solar installations on prime agricultural land;
- prohibiting off-shore wind installations off the Australian and Queensland coasts;
- prohibiting wind and solar developments that impact rainforests;
- prohibiting wind and solar developments where they constitute an increased bushfire risk;
- implementing some regulatory measures, such as strict emissions controls;
- investing in the development of carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies;
- protecting environmental assets and prime agricultural land from the impacts of the large infrastructure footprints of renewables (solar panels, wind turbines and transmission lines); and
- mandating the use of environmental rehabilitation bonds on all energy projects to address any impacts when equipment and infrastructure reaches the end of its operational life.
One Nation will announce further information and associated policies relating to Queensland over the course of the election period.
Related information
1. Energy prices, and the use of smart meters
2. The impact of State Labor's 75% target
3. Malcolm Roberts Reckless Renewables Senate Speech
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Len Phillips followed this page 2024-10-01 16:07:09 +1000
alex johns-kula commented 2024-04-20 17:13:09 +1000the one nation energy policy is rational, balanced, and sustainable. well done. the book called the moral case for fossil fuels by Alex Epstein provides the scientific evidence for policies such as this one. we enjoy a first world lifestyle because of fossil fuels yet we in the developed world want to deny those in the developing world the same opportunities and life-saving comforts and food availability.
Peter Chatman followed this page 2024-02-28 12:47:03 +1000
Tom Sjolund commented 2024-02-27 19:53:02 +1000Hi Pauline, have you heard of Climate Change? You and your wacky other Senator seem oblivious to what the science says. We need to stop burning fossil fuels yet you advocate to burn more, why? The cheapest form of Energy is renewable and it is reliable as long as we have storage. Big Industry is all in favour on the roll out to renewables and that’s where the major investments coming into Australia is coming from. Coal is dead so, you are flogging a dead horse there.